
3Letters Game Legal Notice

3Letters offers a free online gaming service that allows users to engage in gameplay experiences using our platform. This service is provided for recreational and entertainment purposes only.

The content and features available on our website are not intended for commercial use, and users are expected to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this legal notice.

1. User Data:

3Letters does not store personal information or data from its users, such as names, email addresses, or physical addresses. We do not have access to any user-uploaded content or store information related to users' devices or IP addresses.

2. Cookies:

While using our website, 3Letters employs cookies to enhance user experience and track website analytics. These cookies are utilized for internal purposes only and do not collect personal information. Third-party services may be employed for analytics and advertising purposes, and users may refer to the respective privacy policies of those services for more information.

3. Data Protection:

We are committed to upholding stringent data protection standards in accordance with applicable laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. User data is not shared with third parties, except for analytics and advertising services as mentioned in this notice.

4. Accuracy and Legality:

3Letters holds no responsibility for the accuracy or legality of user-generated content within the game. Users are solely accountable for ensuring that their in-game activities comply with all relevant laws and regulations. 3Letters is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of our gaming service.

5. Terms and Conditions:

By accessing and using our online gaming service, users agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this legal notice. Failure to comply with these terms may result in the termination of user accounts.

6. Contact Information:

For any inquiries or concerns regarding our legal notice or data protection practices, users may contact us at 3lettersgame@gmail.com.

7. Advertisements:

Please be aware that our website may contain advertisements. These advertisements are intended to support the free availability of our gaming service. We strive to ensure that advertisements are relevant and non-intrusive.

Please note that by using our online gaming service, you acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions presented in this legal notice, including the potential presence of advertisements on the website.